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Selecting an appropriate theme is a critical aspect of your website’s user experience. This guide explains how to navigate the settings, choose a theme, and customize various elements such as logos and meta tags.

Theme Selection and Customization

To change and configure your website’s front-side theme:

  1. Navigation: Access the admin panel and go to the left-hand menu.
  2. Navigate to Useful Links >> Themes.

Customizable Elements in Themes

  • Heading: The main title or headline of the theme.
  • Home Content: Content displayed on the home page.
  • About Content: Information about your platform.

Note: To edit these elements, click the small pen icon next to each theme. Some themes might not support editing all these elements.

Advanced Options: “Multiple Pages” Theme

For advanced customization, you can opt for the “multiple pages” theme. This theme allows you to add multiple pages, configure menus, include videos, and more. A comprehensive guide is available in the Multiple Pages Theme Guide.

Editing the Logo

  1. Navigate to Useful Links >> Settings.
  2. Find and click on the tab specifically for editing the logo.

Editing Meta Tags

  1. Navigate to Useful Links >> Settings.
  2. Find and click on the tab specifically for editing meta tags.


Your choice of theme and customization settings directly influences how your users interact with your platform. Whether you opt for a simpler design or a more sophisticated one, remember that you can customize elements like the logo and meta tags separately to better align with your brand identity.