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Site Setting


This guide aims to help you navigate and configure the general settings of your site via the admin panel.


  1. Open your admin panel and look to the left-hand menu.
  2. Navigate to Useful Links >> Settings >> Site Setting TAB.

Configuration Options

Here are the different settings you can manage:

Basic Information

  • Website Name: Define the name of your website.
  • Notification Email: Set the email ID where all system notifications will be sent.

Maintenance and Registration

  • Front Site Maintenance Mode: Toggle between enabling and disabling maintenance mode for the front end.
  • Store Maintenance Mode: Toggle maintenance for the store-front.
  • Registration Form: Enable or disable the registration form for affiliates/vendors.
  • Approval For Registration: Enable this if you want to manually approve every new registration.

Session Timings

  • Session Timeout Timing (in seconds): Specify the duration for admin session timeouts.
  • User Session Timeout Timing (in seconds): Specify the duration for user session timeouts.

Visual Elements

  • Footer Text: Insert the text that will appear in the footer across the admin, user, store, and front sides.
  • TimeZone: Select the time zone applicable to your website.
  • Front Language Dropdown: Toggle language selector on or off.
  • Hide Currency From: Decide whether to display the currency symbol on the admin and user dashboards.
  • Admin Side Logo: Upload the logo that will appear on the admin side.
  • Front Side Themes Logo: Upload the logo to appear on the front side theme.
  • Website Favicon Icon: Upload the favicon to appear in the browser tab.

SEO and Analytics

  • Meta Tag – Description: Provide a meta description for SEO.
  • Meta Tag – Keywords: Input meta keywords for SEO.
  • Meta Tag – Author: Input the author’s name for SEO.
  • Google Analytics For Site Page: Input your Google Analytics code to monitor site statistics.
  • Facebook Pixel For Site: Add your Facebook Pixel code for tracking user interaction.

Additional Features

  • Facebook Chat Plugin Script: Input the script to enable Facebook Chat on your website.
  • Global Script: Insert any global scripts you want to apply across your platform.

After setting these options, your website will behave according to these configurations. Make sure to double-check every setting to ensure it aligns with your needs.