Product Import Settings
How to Configure the Product Import Settings:
- Navigate to the AMS Amazon Plugin Settings:
- In the AMS Amazon Plugin top menu, click on Settings > Configuration.
- Scroll to the Product Import Settings Section:
- On the Configuration page, locate the section labeled Product Import Settings.
- Configure the Available Options:
- API Results Per Page:
- This option allows you to set the number of products displayed per Amazon API request.
- The maximum value is 10 products per page.
- Buy Now Label:
- Use this setting to customize the label on the “Buy Now” button.
- Enter the desired text that will appear on the button.
- Default Product Status:
- Choose the default status for imported products:
- Publish: Products will be immediately visible in your store.
- Pending: Products will require approval before becoming visible.
- Draft: Products will be saved but not yet visible in the store.
- Choose the default status for imported products:
- Default Category:
- Set the category for imported products:
- Auto by Amazon: Products are automatically assigned categories based on Amazon’s data.
- WooCommerce Category: Select any existing category in WooCommerce to assign the products.
- Set the category for imported products:
- API Results Per Page:
- Save Changes:
- After configuring the options, scroll down and click Save Changes.
These settings allow you to control how products are imported into your store, customize the “Buy Now” button, and manage product visibility and categorization. By adjusting these options, you can streamline the product import process to match your store’s needs.