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Setting Up Registration Commissions in MLM


The MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) module offers two ways to set up commissions for affiliates based on new user registrations. This guide covers both methods, along with how these commissions are recorded and managed.


To configure registration commissions, go to:

  • Admin Panel > Left Menu > MLM > MLM Levels

Commission Types

There are two options for setting up commissions:

Option 1: Custom Percentage Commission

In this method, you define a custom commission amount that will be distributed among the different levels in your MLM hierarchy.


For example, let’s assume you set a custom commission of $40 (currency will auto-adjust based on your platform settings).

  • Level 1: Receives 30% of $40, amounting to $12
  • Level 2: Receives 20% of $40, amounting to $8
  • Level 3: Receives 10% of $40, amounting to $4

Option 2: Fixed Amount Commission

Alternatively, you can set a fixed commission amount to be awarded to each MLM level.


In this case, you determine a fixed commission for each level:

  • Level 1: Receives $30
  • Level 2: Receives $20
  • Level 3: Receives $10

Commission Status Workflow

The commission status in the affiliate’s wallet changes based on the new user’s account status:

Active Account

Once the invited user’s account is active, the commission status changes to In-wallet, allowing the affiliate to request a withdrawal.

Pending Account

If the invited user’s account is pending, the commission status remains On-hold until the account becomes active.

Note: The MLM system supports up to 20 levels for commission distribution.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and set up registration commissions for your MLM system.