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To start the installation process you will need to organized all data:

1. your codecanyon item license

2. Domain or Sub_domain name you will use to install the script for you. (important to have SSL installed)

3. Your hosting panel login details.

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Keep in mind that if you are managing any dedicative server or cloud server or amazon server or vps server,

you will need that your server administration will do all the settings for you, so script installation will run properly and for the script will run properly after installation completed.

For clients that are running any shared hosting, usually, the servers are ready for use with full Linux basic settings and script running 100% perfectly on all pages.

In most cases, we already saw this kind of issue before with users that runnings tham own vps or dedicated server, issues were:

1. Related to folder permissions.

2. Wrong configuration with Codeigniter framework, that our script is developed on. (Search on Google, “how to deploying Codeigniter on [your hosting type – google/amazon…etc…”)

3. htaccess configuration issue of Codeigniter framework and the hosting type you are using.

we hope this will help you solve your server configuration issue with our script.
