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How To Set SMTP?

Script SMTP function is support your hosting provider SMTP.

Script also supports Gmail/amazon and others but 99% of hosting providers are blocking these options for their own reasons.

SMTP Setting:

Step 1 – Log in to your hosting provider panel

Step 2 – Go to the emails accounts section and press on an email accounts

Step 3 – Go to the email account and press on “CONNECT DEVICES”


Step 4 – You will see two settings boxes

SSL/TLS settings and Non-SSL settings

SMTP correct and working details are only your hosting provider’s responsibility.


Step 5 – Insert the SMTP details in the SMTP email setting

Navigate to Global settings>>Configuration>> Email Setting Tab

SMTP Hostname: will be the Outgoing Server details

SMTP Username: will be the username of your email account

SMTP Password: will be the Password of your email account

SMTP Port: will be the Port of Outgoing Server details

SMTP Crypto: If you are using SSL/TLS settings then choose “SSL” or “TLS” from the dropdown list.

SMTP Crypto: If you are using NON-SSL settings then choose “None” from the dropdown list.

finally, save!


You are able to check the setting by send test mail. If all working correctly on your hosting provider, you will get the mail.

If you didn’t get the mail:

  • check your spam folder
  • check your hosting provider SMTP function by using this SMTP Tester site