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How to set a minimum deposit to a vendor?


The system offers an optional safeguard for Admins by allowing them to set a minimum deposit amount for vendors. This deposit acts as a condition for the vendor’s ability to make their campaigns and products publicly available.

Location for Setting Deposit Requirements

To configure this option:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Side of the interface.
  2. Go to the Left Menu.
  3. Click on SaaS.
  4. Go to Settings.
  5. Open the Vendor Deposit Settings tab.

How to Set Minimum Deposit

  1. In the Vendor Deposit Settings tab, you will find an option to set a “Minimum Deposit Amount.”
  2. Enter the amount that you, as an Admin, wish to set as the minimum deposit that a vendor must make to your Admin balance.

Vendor Activity Post Deposit

  • Once the vendor makes the minimum required deposit, their campaigns and products will automatically become public.

Option for Zero Deposit

  • You can also set the minimum deposit amount to “0” if you want to allow vendors to operate without a deposit.


Setting the deposit to “0” is not recommended. This is because affiliate commissions are calculated based on the vendor’s deposit. If it’s set to “0,” the admin will be responsible for covering all affiliate commissions.

This section explains how to configure the minimum deposit requirements for vendors to operate on the system, as well as the implications of setting the deposit amount to zero.