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How to Add a New Payment Method to the Payouts Module


This guide aims to assist administrators in adding a new payment method to the payout module. The module typically comes pre-configured with PayPal and Bank Transfer as available payment methods.


  • Admin panel login credentials
  • Administrator-level access
  • API documentation (only if adding a local payment method)
  • Developer service (only if adding a local payment method)

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Step 1: Log in to the Admin Panel
  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Navigate to the admin panel URL.
  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. Click the “Log In” button.
Step 2: Navigate to Wallet and Payment Gateways
  1. After logging in, find the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on “Wallet” to expand the submenu.
  3. Select “Payment Gateways” from the submenu.
Step 3: Enable Pre-configured Payment Methods (Optional)
  1. Locate PayPal and Bank Transfer options if you wish to enable them.
  2. Click the “Enable” button adjacent to the payment method you want to activate.
Step 4: Add a New Local Payment Method

Preliminary Steps:

  • Ensure you have the API documentation and developer services if adding a local payment method.

Access the Install Option:

  1. Go back to “Wallet” on the left-hand menu.
  2. Select “Payment Gateways” from the submenu.
  3. Find and click on “Install Payment Gateway.”

View Documentation:

  1. After clicking “Install Payment Gateway,” look for a “Documentation” link.
  2. Click this link to view or download the documentation. This will guide your developer in integrating the new payment method.

Final Steps

Once the new payment method is successfully added, it becomes available as an option for users during their withdrawal requests.

By following these steps, you can effectively expand the payment options for your system’s payout module.