Cron Job
Easily automate routine tasks for your system by setting up cron jobs for various modules such as Wallet Transactions, Campaigns Validator, and more.
Access Cron Job Page
- Open Admin Panel.
- Go to Left Menu > Useful Links > Cron Job.
Here, you’ll find all system cron jobs.
Set Up on Server
- cPanel Users: Navigate to ADVANCED > Cron Jobs.
- Under Add New Cron Job, set your interval in Common Settings. For example, to run every minute, select *Once Per Minute ( * * * *)**.
- Add the curl command from the cron jobs page you accessed in the first step.
- Click Add New Cron Job.
That’s it! The new cron job will be added and will start running automatically.
Note: If you’re not using cPanel, consult your hosting provider for specific instructions.