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AMS Amazon Plugin Settings Guide

This guide provides detailed descriptions for configuring the AMS Amazon plugin, enabling you to optimize its settings to fit your store’s specific requirements.

General Import Settings

These settings affect how products are imported from Amazon.

  • No Follow Link: Adds a “nofollow” attribute to all external links in imported products, preventing search engines from following these links and protecting your SEO.
  • Remove Unavailable Products: Automatically removes unavailable products or variants from your store, keeping your product catalog up-to-date.
  • Enable Fast Import: Speeds up the product import process, useful for large catalogs or frequent updates.
  • Default Product Status: Choose the default status for new products upon import:
    • Publish: Products go live immediately.
    • Pending: Products require admin approval.
    • Draft: Products are saved as drafts for further editing.
  • Default Category: Set the default category for imported products:
    • Auto Import From Amazon: Assigns categories based on Amazon’s categorization.
    • Manual: Select a specific WooCommerce category.
  • Variation Import Limit: Sets the maximum number of variations to import per product. The default is 5.

AMSWOO Settings

Settings specifically related to AMSWOO product and data management.

  • Data Cleanup: Deletes all data with the _amswoofiu_url and _amswoofiu_wcgallary meta keys, along with associated media files. This cleanup is essential to manage database size and optimize performance.
  • Variation Meta-Key for Custom Themes: Specifies a custom meta key for themes that handle variation images differently from WooCommerce’s default. Leave this empty if using standard WooCommerce themes. Consult your theme’s documentation or developer to find the correct meta key for custom themes. Example: Some themes may use theme_variation_images as a meta key for variation images stored in the wp_postmeta table.

Buy Now Button Action

Configure the behavior of the “Buy Now” button on imported products.

  • Buy Now Label: Customize the text displayed on the “Buy Now” button (e.g., “Buy on Amazon”).
  • Direct Amazon Details Page: Redirects customers to the Amazon product page upon clicking. This setting is optimized for Amazon’s 24-hour affiliate cookie.
  • Direct Amazon Cart Page: Redirects customers to the Amazon cart page with the item added. This option is optimized for a 90-day affiliate cookie.
  • Site Cart Then Amazon: Add the product to your site’s WooCommerce cart first, then redirect to Amazon at checkout.
  • Dropship: Adds the product to your site’s cart, including a dropship fee, allowing customers to complete the checkout on your site.

Amazon Product Image Settings

Customize the handling of product images imported from Amazon.

  • Remote Amazon Images: Choose whether to use Amazon-hosted images or download them to your WordPress media library.
  • Select Remote Image Sizes: Specify the resolution for remote images. (Example: HD resolution of 2048 x 2048).
  • Variation Image Limit: Set a limit for the number of variation images imported per product. The default is 5, but you can select any number between 1 and 10.
  • Product Image Fit: Choose how product images will fit inside containers:
    • Scale Down: Images display at their original size or smaller if necessary.

Amazon Review Settings

Manage Amazon reviews imported with products.

  • Enable Amazon Review: Toggle to enable or disable Amazon reviews on your store.
  • Single Import Review Limit: Set the number of comments to import per product, with a range of 10-50 (steps of 10). The default is 10.
  • Multiple Import Review Limit: Set the number of comments to import for products with multiple variations, ranging from 10-50 (steps of 10). The default is 10.

NO API Settings

Settings for importing products without using the Amazon API.

  • Number of Search Results – Import by-search module: Choose the number of search results displayed, with options of 20, 50, or 100 results per request.

API Settings

Configure the settings for Amazon API usage.

  • API Results Per Page: Define the number of products displayed per Amazon API request. The maximum is 10.
  • Minimum Category Depth: Set the minimum number of category levels for imported products.
  • Maximum Category Depth: Set the maximum category depth, allowing you to control the specificity of product categorization.

Proxy Service Configuration

Configure settings for the two proxy services supported by the AMS Amazon plugin: ScraperAPI and ScrapingAnt. These services can help speed up and ensure reliable Amazon product imports and updates.


High-speed Amazon product import and updates.

  • Status: Toggle between Active or Inactive.
  • Import Products: Enable/Disable product imports via ScraperAPI.
  • Update Products: Enable/Disable product updates via ScraperAPI.
  • ScraperAPI Key: Enter your API key. The service provides 1,000 free API calls per month.
  • Test: Test the API connection to verify setup.


Reliable Amazon product import and updates.

  • Status: Toggle between Active or Inactive.
  • Import Products: Enable/Disable product imports via ScrapingAnt.
  • Update Products: Enable/Disable product updates via ScrapingAnt.
  • ScrapingAnt API Key: Enter your API key. The service provides 10,000 free API calls per month.
  • Test: Test the API connection to verify setup.

Note: After making changes to any settings, remember to save your configuration. Configuring these options thoughtfully can greatly impact your store’s performance and Amazon product import efficiency. Adjust each setting according to your store’s specific needs.