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Amazon Product Image Settings

How to Use the “Amazon Product Image Settings” Options:

  1. Navigate to the AMS Amazon Plugin Settings:
    • In the AMS Amazon Plugin top menu, click on Settings.
  2. Open the Configuration Page:
    • Under the Settings menu, choose Configuration.
  3. Scroll to the Amazon Product Image Settings Section:
    • On the Configuration page, locate the section labeled Amazon Product Image Settings.
  4. Configure Remote Amazon Images:
    • There is an option labeled Remote Amazon Images with a Yes/No toggle.
    • Select Yes if you want to load product images directly from Amazon’s servers, or select No to store the images locally on your site.
  5. Set the Variation Image Limit:
    • In the Variation Image Limit field, specify how many images to save during the import/update process for product variations. Input the desired limit based on your store’s needs.
  6. Save Changes:
    • After making your selections, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.


  • Remote Amazon Images determines whether product images are pulled from Amazon’s servers (faster loading but external) or saved locally (stored on your server).
  • Variation Image Limit controls how many images are stored for product variations during the import or update process, helping you manage image storage efficiently.